Upgrade of a FEI/PHILIPS ESEM XL-30 for the University of Salzburg

Questions to Ao. Univ-Prof. Mag. Dr. Bernd Minnich, FRMS; Paris Lodron University Salzburg

Can you tell us about your institution?

Our Core Facility Electron Microscopy at the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences of the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg offers scientists from various fields of physics, biology and biomedicine, as well as colleagues from the state hospitals in their various medical disciplines, the opportunity to analyze their samples in the SEM and TEM.

What were your reasons for modernizing?

The main reason for the modernization of our more than 20-year-old FEI XL-30 scanning electron microscope were several technical defects in the hardware and software, which ultimately led to a total failure of the microscope. As a result, many research projects, theses and teaching courses could not be continued. We therefore had to act quickly and find a relatively inexpensive solution to put the device back into operation, as purchasing a new SEM would not have been feasible in the short or medium term.

What is the microscope with the point electronic Upgrade enabling now?

After the modernization with the point electronic upgrade, we were able to take amazingly good pictures with the existing detectors (SE / BSE), in a quality that far exceeded that of the original hardware even at the time of purchase 22 years ago. The operation with the two additional panels including trackball and the sophisticated software control of the device is also a lot of fun to work with. Software features such as the false color-coded contrast and brightness settings make operation so much easier.

Which applications do you use with the modernized microscope?

In the course of the upgrade, we had both the ESEM mode and the EDX X-ray analysis deactivated, as both were hardly ever used in our routine applications. However, an upcoming collaboration with our in-house mineralogists may make it necessary to install a new EDX. This should be relatively easy to implement as the new software is already prepared for this.

What are your experiences with the installation of the upgrade by point electronic?

The upgrade process was very well structured and very fast. After submitting the device data requested by point electronic (e.g. size of the sample chamber, installed detectors, ...), we received a binding cost estimate with 2 variants (incl. and without ESEM mode). After placing our order, we were given a prompt date for the upgrade process, which point electronic adhered to exactly. The upgrade itself, including training, was completed within 2 days.

We are also very impressed with the telephone support, which we used frequently, especially at the beginning after the changeover. The technicians are extremely competent and always available. Remote maintenance has also been installed, which has been very helpful in solving problems.

> to the SEM Upgrade info page

About Ao. Univ-Prof. Mag. Dr. Bernd Minnich, FRMS

Prof. Dr. Bernd Minnich is university lecturer and head of department in the Department of Environment and Biodiversity at Paris Lodron University Salzburg and head of the Vascular & Performance Biology working group.

He has been active in teaching and research in the field of scanning electron microscopy since the late 1990s. His research focuses on vascular biology / vascular medicine. He habilitated in 2003 in the subjects of vascular biology and electron microscopy (venia dozendi). He has been a member of the Microscopy Society of America since 2000, a Fellow of the Royal Microscopy Society, Oxford, since 2014 and a member of the board of the Austrian Society for Electron Microscopy (ASEM) since 2018.